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I have an Italian greyhound who has seizures. The vet says he is unsure. But I do know it is bad when it happens once every three months. For my dog it sometimes happens once a year on he exact date. Don't know why. It may be because they are getting older of maybe it was something they ate. But I hoped i helped.

Sources: Spike the Italian Greyhound

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Q: What are the Causes of seizures in greyhounds?
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No. It is a condition where someone has a tendency to have seizures. Why this happens varies from person to person. There are many forms of Epilepsy and many causes. But it is not a disease. It is not infectious or anything like that.

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Seizures happen in the brain. As your brain effects the entire body, other parts can be seen to be affected when seizures happen, like people shaking. Your brain is constantly active, with lots of electrical activity. If something disrupts that activity then the brain may malfunction for a moment. In simple terms that is what happens when seizures happen. In reality it is far more complicated than that. There are many kinds of seizures and many causes of seizures, so there is not a single specific answer to that part of your question. Seizures have many causes and many levels of severity. What causes a seizure in one person may have no effect on someone else. It is commonly thought that flashing lights cause seizures for anyone that has epilepsy. In fact that is a cause of seizures in only about 3% to 5% of all people who have epilepsy. So most people with epilepsy have absolutely no problem with flashing lights. Their seizures have other causes which can be many and varied.

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No epilepsy is a condition that causes seizures

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REcurring seizures would indicate that you have epilepsy. There are many forms of epilepsy and many causes of it. There are also many types of seizure. For each individual that gets seizures it is important for them to see a doctor to specifically try to identify the causes for them. one type of seizures is gand-mal

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Not necessarily. Epilepsy has a wide range of causes. Anything that has a strong affect on the brain can be likely to cause seizures. Smoking hard substances that affect the brain could lead to seizures.

What are some possible causes of seizures other than epilepsy?

If someone gets recurring seizures, they are said to have epilepsy. The causes of individual seizures can be the same. It is just that someone only gets one once or a small amount of times. So causes could be a head injury, trauma, a temporary chemical imbalance in the brain, a brain tumour and many other things.

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