Although chest pain or pressure is the most common symptom of a heart attack, heart attack victims may experience a diversity of symptoms that include: squeezing sensation of the chest; jaw pain, shortness of breath; heartburn and/or indigestion; arm pain (more commonly the left arm, but may be either arm); or even no symptoms (approximately one quarter of all heart attacks are silent, without chest pain or new symptoms and silent heart attacks are especially common among patients with Diabetes mellitus).
Thin people are at less risk for a heart attack. The main cause of a heart attack is when a plug of fat lodges in an artery that nourishes the heart. Thin people have less fat. They usually have less fat (actually ldl cholesterol or triglicerides) than fat people.
No you may not fully recover from a heart attack. The reason being is that the heart has cells that are amitotic. Amitotic cells cannot be replaced. Once a heart attack occurs some cells die and cannot be replaced making the heart weaker.
Are you a woman? You should know that research has found that heart attack symptoms in women are significantly different than symptoms in men. In fact, a study by the National Institute of Health found that less than 30 percent of women who have suffered heart attacks felt chest pain before their attack, and 43 percent said that they had no pain during any stage of the attack.No Pain. Now what?If the number one heart attack symptom that people are told to look out for, crushing pain in the chest, isn't felt by nearly half of women with heart attacks, what symptoms should you be on the watch for?According to the NIH study, the most common early warning heart attack symptoms in women are:Unusual fatigue, reported by over 70 percentsleep disturbance, reported by nearly 50 percentShortness of breath, reported by over 40 percentIt may be a little disconcerting to hear that such common, run-of-the-mill symptoms could actually be indicating a heart attack in process. After all, what woman hasn't had a sleepless night or felt completely exhausted from time to time?Other warning signs commonly experienced by women include indigestion, anxiety and weakness in the arms. Again, common everyday symptoms that may signify a serious, potentially fatal condition.During an AttackDuring the actual heart attack, women in the study reported the following symptoms most frequently:Shortness of breath, or difficulty breathingWeaknessUnusual level of fatigueCold sweatDizzinessMany women felt the warning signs for up to a month before actually experiencing a heart attack. If you have been feeling more worn out than usual, have difficulty catching your breath or have been tossing and turning at night, it's worth being checked out by your doctor. If the doctor dismisses your concerns and refuses to check out your heart, get a second opinion -- and consider finding another doctor!While the symptoms women often experience during a heart attack mimic an anxiety or panic attack, take them seriously. Don't let embarrassment keep you from calling 911 or going to the emergency room. It's not worth it to be the woman who died of embarrassment.
While this may be surprising, heart attacks are one of the most frequently misdiagnosed medical conditions. A heart attack does not always produce obvious symptoms. Most sufferers will not suddenly collapse and grab their chest in agony.Many times, the symptoms of a heart attack are easy to mistake for less serious conditions. To ensure prompt and effective medical care, adults must learn how to recognize a few important heart attack warning signs.Common Heart Attack Warning Signs to Look ForAccording to the American Heart Association, most people will experience chest discomfort during a heart attack. This discomfort will usually emanate from the center of the chest and last for several minutes. In some cases, the pain may disappear and keep coming back. Many people describe this discomfort as a squeezing or sensation of fullness in their chest. Other people find this sensation to be painful.Heart attack sufferers might also experience pain in other areas of their body. Some people will experience pain in their arms, stomach, neck, back, and/or jaw. Oftentimes, the pain will begin in the chest and spread to other areas. However, keep in mind that chest pain is not always present. While most patients will experience an uncomfortable feeling in their chest, a lack of chest pain does not rule out the possibility of a heart attack. In fact, it's important to know that many women do not experience significant chest pain during a heart attack.Another common warning sign is shortness of breath. A sufferer might have a hard time breathing or be unable to catch his or her breath. Shortness of breath is sometimes due to the feelings of tightness in the chest. This symptom might also be accompanied by fatigue, lightheadedness, weakness, nausea, and anxiety. Many people also become clammy and appear pale, especially after a few minutes of labored breathing. Women are more likely than men to experience these symptoms before or during a heart attack.If a person believes that they may be experiencing a heart attack, they should seek medical attention immediately. The American Heart Association recommends that patients always call 911 if they are exhibiting heart attack warning signs. The faster patients receive medical care, the more likely they are to survive the experience and prevent permanent damage to their heart.
actually, heart disease is a leading cause of death in women, but is rarely stated as so in tv programs and such. also, women have generally very different symptoms from men when they are experiencing a heart attack.
Less than zero That's a stupid answer a least one person has to have died from a heart attack cause by marijuana. Marijuana causes the heart to beat 40 time faster than a person who doesn't smoke marijuana. It makes them 5 times at risk of a heart attack ( 1 in 1,000 people) then people who don't smoke.
Heart-lung transplants are becoming less common. Since 1990, only 40 to 60 of these procedures are performed every year in the United States.
A heart attack is one of the scariest things that a person can experience. Though many people suffer a heart attack every year, a large percentage of people recover and lead a healthy life after leaving the hospital. This condition is more common in men than it is in women. Men who suffer a heart attack can determine the problem by looking at some of the more common symptoms.Chest PainOne of the most common symptoms of a heart attack in a man is chest pain. Many people assume that the pain is extreme or intense, but the amount of pain that a person feel can be quite mild. Those who experience less pain typically have a minor heart attack that doctors can treat quickly. Some people feel a tightness or cramping sensation in the upper chest, while others experience a stronger sensation of pain in the chest. The chest can also feel full, as if the person ate too much. Some heart attack patients note that the pain lasts for several minutes, but some patients find that the pain lasts for only a few seconds.Other PainsChest pain is not the only pain that people suffer during a heart attack. Many people experience pain in one or more areas of the body, including the back, abdomen, arms, jaw or neck. Some patients notice that they experience shooting pain. For example, the pain radiates from the chest to the arm and down that arm. Heart attack victims can experience pain that shoots to other areas of the body as well.Other SymptomsIf you think that you are a victim of a heart attack, you should keep your eyes open for any additional signs. Someone suffering a heart attack might feel like he has the stomach flu because he feels nauseous and experiences an tightness in the stomach. Patients also experience trouble breathing, and some patients feel lightheaded. While not everyone has the same symptoms of a heart attack, these are the more common symptoms in men. If you exhibit these symptoms or you see someone else showing these symptoms, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.
If you think you have a heart attack, you should stay calm and call for help. You don't want to increase your heart rate by panicking or running around. Your heart uses less oxygen when it doesn't have to work hard or fast; therefore decreasing the chance of having a larger infarction. Aspirin is a good idea unless you have reasons that you can't take it.
Pain is the most common presenting complaint. It is deep and visceral often described as heavy, squeezing and crushing but occasionally stabbing and burning. Similar to angina but more severe, longer (>30 mins) and commonlyoccurringat rest.Typically it involves the central portion of the chest and/or epigastrium and may radiate to the arms but less commonly to the lower jaw, abdomen, back and neck.It is often accompanied by weakness, sweating, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, and a sense of impending doom.The pain can occur during rest, but if it begins during exertion, the pain does not subside even when resting which is in contrast to angina pectoris.Many of us tend to associate heart problems only with men. However, the truth is that women are more vulnerable to heart-related problems than are males.Like many women, you may think, "That's a man's disease" or "Not my problem." But here is the "heart" truth: Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women in the United States. Even though most women think that cancer is their leading killer.So it is very important that women should also know about the warning signs of heart attack. Very recently, I came across Meridian Health that gives you vital information about heart attack warning signs in women.1. Chest discomfort2. Pain or pressure spreading to the jaw, neck, shoulders or arm3. Shortness of breath4. Nausea5. Sweating6. Indigestion or gas-like pain7. Dizziness8. Unexplained weakness or fatigue9. Discomfort or pain between the shoulder blades10. Sense of impending doomHeart attack symptoms may be mild at the start and then gradually worsen. Major risk factors of heart disease include smoking, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, being overweight, physical inactivity and diabetes.Chest pain is a primary symptom of heart attack in women. Also women may feel pain in their upper appendages. In addition, nausea and lightheadedness are symptoms, as well as cold sweats.Chest discomfort is one the major signs of a heart attack - an uncomfortable pain, tightening squeeze or weight in the center of the chest. However, women are more inclined to suffer from other symptoms as well during a heart attack. Other symptoms may include: radiating pain extending to the neck, jaw, arms or shoulders, breaking out in a cold sweat, nervousness, weakness and pain between the shoulder blades.
He died of a massive heart attack in 1973, a little less than 4 years after leaving office.
The coronary arteries bring nutrients and oxygen to the heart. They actually are so important that they take blood to the muscles of the heart before the rest of the body. A person with a disease of these arteries has less oxygen going to the heart muscles and an increased risk of heart damage or a heart attack.