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Q: What are ten facts about acrophobia?
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What is an example sentence using the word acrophobia?

Acrophobia is a phobia.

What part of speech is acrophobia?

The word acrophobia is a noun. It is the fear of heights.

How do you use the word acrophobia in a sentence?

I felt a surge of acrophobia when I reached the edge of the cliff and looked down.

What is the phobia for height called?

Acrophobia is the fear of heights.

Which term means an excessive fear of high places?


How do you spell acrophobia?

That is the correct spelling of acrophobia (fear of open spaces, i.e. outdoors).

What do you call afraid of heights?

Vertigo. Acrophobia is the fear of heights. Vertigo is dizziness.

What is the root word for acrophobia?

The root word for acrophobia is "acro," which means heights or high.

What is a sentence for the word acrophobia?

The boy's acrophobia prevented him from climbing the ladder. :p Many software students now a days show acrophobia to learn thesaurus of words. Beleivers are always acrophobia to explain rationally how chantings or curses affect. They simply make us believe in existence of God. Rationalists always demand for proof. Acrophobia is the obstacle for youth who do not study perfectly. Acrophobia is the lame excuse for failure. Politicians encourage acrophobia in people so that they do not grow skeptic. Thus they are forced to remain loyal. Due to acrophobia the Church punished Copernicus and Darwin, the popneers of science. Acrophobia made our forefathers beleivers. But the rationalists/atheists/skeptics are after proofs; and these people never attribute the modern inventions to God.

What is the Name of the Best YouTube Channel for Top Ten Facts?

The Answer is: Top Ten Facts i.e. TTF is the one of the best Youtube channel for top ten facts.

What is one afraid of if they have acrophobia?

Acrophobia is the fear of heights, it is more often and wrongly referred to as vertigo. However, vertigo is generally a physical side effect, often dizziness, to someone's Acrophobia.

Use acrophobia in a sentence?

Henry suffers from acrophobia; he's abnormally afraid of being in high places.