yes Well...that is a bit simple on the answer. The real answer depends. As a general rule, mold will usually not kill you unless you have a severely weakened or destroyed immune system. Fungal infections are very common (athletes foot is a fungal infection). Mold CAN make you sick however. Your sensitivity to mold will vary depending on age, overall sensitivity to mold allergens and the type of mold involved. Symptoms can range from sinus irritation to general allergy symptoms to severe reactions.
Some people have extremely serious symptoms of mold allergies. It varies from person to person.
When a home is infested with mold can cause respiratory symptoms. Other symptoms that are common are allergy like symptoms of itchy eyes and runny nose.
Several of the symptoms are similar for both problems. However, with black mold, symptoms include memory loss and less brain function.
Queasiness and vomiting.
The primary symptoms of black mold exposure are allergy-type symptoms such as runny nose, hives, teary eyes, etc.
sickness,fever,stomach cramps
A late period and morning sickness.
sleeping sickness
Altitude sickness is caused by changes in the distribution of oxygen and pressure. The symptoms of altitude sickness resemble those of a cold.
Sleeping sickness is an infection of the brain that causes frequent sleep, among other symptoms.
Some symptoms of bad mold are runny nose to asthma. some bad mold can trigger allergic rhinitis, also skin problems, itchy eyes, and breathing problems.