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Mine started with a vague sense of not feeling well, a sore throat only on one side. This progressed to sharp pains in the ear canal, swelling of lymph nodes in neck, and electric "shocks" on my scalp.It eventually led to one half of my face being paralyzed for 2 months. It has been a couple yrs now, and I still get flareups, ESP when stressed. I have a prescription for Acyclovir, that I keep on hand, and take as soon as first feel symptoms.

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Q: What are symptoms of shingles in the throat?
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What are the early symptoms of shingles?

When the virus that causes chickenpox reactivates, it causes shingles. Early symptoms of shingles include headache, sensitivity to light, and When the virus that causes chickenpox reactivates, it causes shingles. Early symptoms of shingles include headache, sensitivity to light, and

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There is no "OK" or "Not OK" to it. You either have the shingles symptoms or you don't. It would be exTREMEly unusual for someone as young as age 14 to exhibit shingles symptoms.

What are the symptoms of internal shingles?

Internal shingles are sometimes compared to the chicken pox as they have some similarities. Some of the symptoms are swelling in the neck and abdominal pain.

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Internal shingles are sometimes compared to the chicken pox as they have some similarities. Some of the symptoms are swelling in the neck and abdominal pain.

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The symptoms of Strep Throat are itchy throat, fever, headaches, red or swollen throat, and irritation when swallowing. Alert doctor when symptoms persist more than 5 days. *Strep Throat is Contagious*

What are some symptoms of Strep Throat?

Strep Throat has a number of potential symptoms. Some of these symptoms include a sore throat, difficulty when swallowing, swollen or red tonsils and a fever.

What are the first 3 symptoms of shingles?

The first three symptoms of shingles are extreme sensitivity or pain in the broad band, sensitivity to light and flu. These symptoms can occur in the initial stage.

What are the symptoms of strep throat in dogs?

Dogs do not get strep throat.

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A very sore throat

What are the common symptoms of shingles?

Shingles is an advanced form of chicken pox. The most common and easy to spot symptoms include burning or itching as well as bright red spots on the skin.

What are the symptoms of the illness shingles?

Shingle is a painful skin rash. The symptoms of shingles includes pain, burning, a numbness or tingling, itching, a red rash that begins a few days after the pain.

Will vaccination guarantee that I won't get shingles?

Shingles is a contagious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which also causes chickenpox. Symptoms include a . Prevention and Shingles Vaccine.