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There's a list of it.

24 hours of no sleep at all - mood swings

36 hours of no sleep at all - starts to get stressing to drive

48 hours of no sleep at all - more stress, paranoia, and auditory hallucinations

60 hours of no sleep at all - seizures or even epilepsy

72 hours of no sleep at all - visual hallucinations

96 hours of no sleep at all - both visual and auditory hallucinations

120 hours of no sleep at all - more visual and auditory hallucinations, with hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations

144 hours of no sleep at all - severe symptoms or even possible Heart disease

168 hours of no sleep at all - hormone damage

192 hours of no sleep at all - breathing problems from heart disease

216 hours of no sleep at all - body starts to get normal cancer

240 hours of no sleep at all - cancer starts to get not normal

264 hours of no sleep at all - your body starts to actually get severely damaged

288 hours of no sleep at all - possible leading to a coma and death

Those are the dangers.

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Q: What are symptoms of lack of sleep?
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Personally, I think so. I have GERD (acid reflux disease) and if I don't get enough sleep, it will be much worse the next morning. I have discussed this with a GI dr and they say that many people with GERD do have worse symptoms if they do lack sleep.

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We cannot diagnose over the Internet. Whatever it is, it involves severe enough symptoms that you need to be seeking professional help immediately.

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Sleep more.

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Yes, lack of sleep has been linked to breakouts.

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There aren't really any other symptoms of insomnia apart from the lack of ability to get to sleep, or to maintain it. There can be possible complications with it, however, such as a poor immune system, risk of depression, slower reaction times, etc.

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Yes lack of sleep affect ur math grade.