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Q: What are some ways vocal cords can be damaged?
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Related questions

What does vocalizations mean?

Vocal Inflection helps with voice acting such as radio commercials and voice overs. Vocal Inflection as 4 parts: Tempo, Quality, Pitch, and Volume.

What does it mean when your vocal cords are burned?

The only burns I've ever heard of when it comes to the vocal cords would be a chemical burn caused by stomach acid (silent acid reflux). I'm not sure about other ways (unless you're a fire eater), but usually the vocal cords can be pretty safe against burns.

How do some sounds have a low pitch and others have a high pitch?

some pitches are lower than others because of the friction of your vocal cords rubbing together in different ways hope this helps you X)

What 3 ways can you change pitch?

Replace the nitrogen & oxygen air with helium and oxygen. tighten the tension on the vibrating thing (e.g., string) make the vibrating thing smaller, thinner. (e.g., tuning fork)

What are not two ways to STAY SAFE around electricity?

Never touch electrical appliances with wet hands. Avoid using damaged electrical cords or outlets.

How are speech sounds produced in the larynx?

Speech sounds are produced in the larynx through the vibration of the vocal cords when air passes through them. The vibration creates sound waves that are then shaped into specific sounds by the movement of the articulators, such as the tongue, lips, and teeth. The pitch, volume, and quality of the sound are determined by the tension and length of the vocal cords.

Indicate the ways that an electrical fire could start in your workplace?

Overloaded circuit Defective product Damaged cords Overloaded appliance Unsafe use of ladders near overhead wires Improper maintenance of high-voltage devices

What were two ways early blues recordings were recodnized?

Sometimes rural and country. Sometimes instrumental and vocal.

Can your voice be altered if your vocal cords are damaged?

Yes, it can change it in many ways. Especially things that are easily affected such as the pitch of your voice. Have you ever blown up a balloon and then squeezed the end between your thumb and first ringer with both hands and pulled tight, letting the air out slowly to hear a strange sound? Well imagine those are your vocal chords. Now if you were to do that and slowly move your hands closer and further away from one another you would notice right away that the pitch of the noise would change instantly. The tighter they are, the more high pitch and vice versa. This is just like your vocal chords (actually shaped just like them too!). That's how easily the sound is affected by changes.

What are the FIVE ways sound can be produced?

Sound can be produced by vibrations of an object, such as a guitar string being plucked. It can also be generated through the movement of air, like when vocal cords vibrate during speech. Other ways include the impact of objects, such as a drum being struck, and electrical signals being converted into sound waves, like in speakers.

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How do you lose your voice?

Laryngitis can have several causes.- One is overuse, either for too long a period, or yelling too loudly.- Bacterial infections such as strep throat can cause swelling (edema) that limits the vocal cord vibration.- Burns from heated air, or chemical inhalation, or acid reflux, can all cause laryngeal damage.- Nerve damage to the vocal nerves can prevent the cords from responding.One other cause is psychological, called psychogenic aphonia. The cords are undamaged but speaking is not possible. This can result from psychological trauma or anxiety.