No, ovaries do not regenerate. Unlike some tissues in the body, ovaries do not have the ability to regenerate or regrow once damaged.
No they can not transplant ovaries yet but in some countries you can sell your eggs (ovum).
The soldiers rescued weak, emaciated victims from the concentration camps. She was once beautiful and energetic, but caner treatments left her weak and emaciated.
Fertility treatments can increase the chance of twins as they can make the ovaries put out more than one egg at a time.
trap some ovaries
trap some ovaries
Yes, some plant ovaries are consumed by people. Fruits like apples, tomatoes, and peppers are examples of plant ovaries that are commonly eaten.
No, a person with male anatomy cannot have ovaries. Ovaries are a female reproductive organ responsible for producing eggs and sex hormones needed for pregnancy. However, advancements in medical technology have made it possible for transgender individuals to preserve their fertility through methods such as sperm or egg banking before undergoing gender-affirming treatments.
The ovaries will slow down on its production of estrogen
Kinda-sorta. Pure iron is comparably soft and weak, so what's usually used is steel alloys. You start with iron, add a dash of some other metals and some clever treatments and you get steel, which is stronger.
Causes of premature menopause include autoimmune disorders (thyroid disease or diabetes mellitus), cancer treatments (chemotherapy or radiation), surgery to remove ovaries.
Bilateral means on both ovaries. That is there are cysts in both ovaries.