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I'm NOT a doctor - if its really bothering you, see a doctor first - however... Some friends have used what's known as a Netti /Neti/Nettie Pot - sells at most drug stores. Its a little pitcher thing that you pour liquid up inside one nostril and it flushes through the sinuses and out the other nostril. One friend said that the first few times "felt wierd" but that it was easy to do and it has really helped with his Allergies.

Read the directions and check out some web sites - seems like I saw a few of them back when I recommended a Netti Pot to that allergy-problem friend. There may be different "mixes" for the liquids for different treatments. Be careful and use good judgment - do not use a HOT liquid or get crazy and try straight alcohol or peroxide or something like that.

Again - best bet is a real doctor - your head is basically the "command module" and you need to take extra care when something is wrong.

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12y ago

steam inhalation sinus tablets or staying away from dairy products.

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11y ago

There are several treatment for a sinus infection. Some of the most common are drinking hot tea and taking pain medication such as ibuprofen or aspirin.

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What if you get a sinus infection every other week?

If you suffer from a sinus infection every other week, you have a recurrent sinus infection. This can happen for a variety of reasons but the two most likely causes of this is untreated allergies or a fungal sinus infection. It is important that you treat any allergies that you may have, as they can cause your sinuses/nose to become congested. It is this congestion that allows an infection to develop as trapped mucus provides the perfect environment for bacteria to develop. You can try using a saline (salt water) solution to clean out your sinuses. A fungal sinus infection would require that you receive treatments from a doctor or over the counter medication that can help deal with this symptom. There are also various alternative treatments that can help treat this condition. could also be dental problems

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Some words with the root sinus include sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses), sinusoid (having a sinus-like curve), and sinusoidal (relating to a sinus).

How can I tell if I have a sinus infection?

Some symptoms of a sinus infection include headache, bad breath, stuffy nose, fever, tooth pain and reduced sense of taste and smell. If you have quite a few of these symptoms then you could very likely have a sinus infection.

Could the smell a vomit in the morning be a sinus infection?

No, smelling vomit is not a symptom of a sinus infection. Some symptoms of a sinus infections include stuffed up nose, sore throat, swollen glands, and headache.

Can dicloxacillin be used to treat a sinus infection?

Sinus infection is due to viral, bacterial or fungal infection. Dicloxacillin can very much be prescribed to treat a sinus infection caused by staphylococcus bacteria.

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Yes it is perfectly acceptable to wash your hair when you have a sinus infection.

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Yes sinus infection causes nose bleed.

What is the common infecting organism in a sinus infection?

The most common infection organism in a sinus infection is caused by Anaerobic bacteria. It is can grow in the presence or absence of air and are a common cause of infections some that are serious or life threatening.

What is pain and pressure in the back of your head near the ear being nausea and a headache?

Could be a sinus infection, you sometimes get a sinus infection after having some dental fixes like a crown or root canal even if you never had sinus trouble before

What causes pink snot and boogers in the nose?

Most likely it is a sinus infection. You will need to call your doctor and possibly get some anti-biotic. Also while your there they can probably run some tests to ensure that it is in fact a sinus infection and nothing more serious. Your body could probably fight it off on its own but the doctor is the best route to take.