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Some symptoms of bladder problems in dogs are but not limited to: other heath issues, Diabetes, overactive bladder, hormone levels, trouble going to the bathroom, drinking a lot. Also, if the dog has been fixed their bladder muscles are weakened so they may not be able to hold it as long.

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Q: What are some symptoms of bladder problems in dogs?
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What are some symptoms of bladder problems?

By far the best website that will provide you with the most accurate and reliable information about symptoms of bladder problems is [ ]. All the information you want to know is on this site.

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There are very basic symptoms for constipation in dogs. The most common symptom is that they don't defecate for a number of days. Take your dog to the vet if he has any problems.

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Check the extensive database of Many times, they will provide you with an accurate list of symptoms that could expose weak bladder symptoms.

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Some over active bladder symptoms include the burning of urine as it exits, or a very itchy scrotum. These symptoms can be examined by your doctor, and if you need help, recommendation of a doctor is very recommended.

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I am only familiar with Addison's disease in dogs. To the best of my knowledge it does not cause food allergies or a bad gall bladder. If a person/animal has not been diagnosed with Addison's Disease yet, some of the symptoms might mimic food allergies and gall bladder problems. The best thing to do is to contact you physician.

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The symptoms of a bladder infection are a burning sensation, or pain, while urinating. You may wish to make an appointment with a doctor to get some medication.

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Some diseases and disorders that can affect the bladder and cause problems include urinary tract infections, bladder cancer, interstitial cystitis, overactive bladder syndrome, and neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injuries. These conditions can lead to symptoms such as urinary incontinence, urinary retention, frequent urination, or painful urination.

What symptoms accompany a bladder infection?

There are many different symptoms that one may experience when experiencing a bladder infection. Some of these symptoms may include pain when urinating, inability to empty the bladder, blood in the urine, and pain in the lower area of the abdomen. If you believe that you have a bladder infection it is best to seek medical treatment.

What are the signs and symptoms of bladder cancer?

According to webMD, symptoms of cancer in the bladder include: blood or blood clots in the urine, urinating frequently only small amounts, pain when urinating, and frequent urinary tract infections. Some symptoms that indicate bladder cancer also indicate other bladder conditions.

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