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Not having the correct body temperature usually happens during the summer as it can get very hot . Its called a ' Summer virus ' and the symptoms are pains and vibration in legs and hands and thighs both left and right sides, headaches , very dark poo-poo, high temperature all around the body , EXTREMLY HIGHLY SEVERE tiredness and pians at the top of the nose following out at both sides till it reaches the end of the eyelids when you look to the left , to the right or behind you . Normally the treatment for this is Nurofen or Parcetamol but you should see a doctor in case your condidtion is something more serious . :D

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Q: What are some symptoms for not having the correct body temperature?
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A body temperature of 97 degrees Fahrenheit is considered lower than the normal average body temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. While slight variations in body temperature can be normal, consistently low body temperatures may indicate an underlying health condition and should be monitored and evaluated by a healthcare provider if persistent.

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The average temperature in an adult body is about 98.6. If i am wrong please correct me. Thanks!

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