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Because this is implantation bleeding, left over blood from your previous period, irregular periods, UTI or a hormonal imbalance.

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Q: What are some reasons you may spot eleven days after the first day of your last period?
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You had unprotected sex and two days later your period started usually your period lasts four to five days but it lasted almost eleven does that mean you had a miscarriage?

it means your vag is broked.

Is a blood test for pregnancy accurate eleven days before a period?

A blood test is accurate at any time.

If you had brown spotting for two days eleven days after a period ended is this considered implantation bleeding?

No, It could mean that your getting your period again I would suggest to put on some pads until it stops or talk to your docter about this

How long is a first period?

a first period can be painful but i will be just for 3 to 4 days

Why might your period be 9 days late?

There are a few reasons why a person may have a period that is 9 days late. The person may be pregnant or it could be stress related.

How long is the period of time between your first period and your second period?

28 days

When you have your first period when will you get your next period How long is it before you get your next period?

well the first couple years is irregular so when you first start you period it can last up to 3-15 days at the most. and about 24-28 days until your next period(:

How long does the Christmas period last in Spain?

It lasts about eleven days, starting on December 25, and ending on January 6 (which is the main event)

Your fiance ejaculated inside of you twice eleven days ago could you be pregnant?

Yes. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your next period.

What are the reasons for having a shorter period from 5 days to 2 days?

stress, weight loss, pregnancy, weight gain, contraception

Name of eleven days difference between lunar and solar year?

The eleven days' difference between the lunar and solar year is called an "intercalary period." This periodic adjustment helps reconcile the lunar and solar calendars, ensuring that they remain synchronized over time.

Is ovulation always 8 days after a normal period?

No. It's 14 days BEFORE the first day of your next period.