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Depression and anger

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Q: What are some psychological effects of MRSA?
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What are Negative psychological effects of homosexuality in India?

There are no negative psychological effects of homosexuality anywhere.

Effects of disaster?

Some of the effects that a disaster can bring is damage to property, agriculture, and livelihood. It can also lead to loss of life and can have sociological and psychological effects on people.

Does chronic alcohol use have psychological effects and are they permanent?

There are various meaning when it comes to "psychological effects". Some may come to believe that what they are experiencing is wholly psychological. Not sure of the technological term for the false beliefs of supposed mental deformations. However, as for the actual psychological effects of alcohol (as i have experienced them for my self..dt, hallucinations, paranoia, wd symptoms, etc. etc.), there are none. So, go out and have an effin drink and enjoy life for what it is. Life is psychological. Everything is psychological. Dont think about it. You should be good.

Does culture shock only have psychological effects?

No, other than psychological effects, culture shock has other implications such as insomnia and fear.

What are some psychological effects of stress?

Stress produces depression,anger, not understanding what is going on, and blaming yourself.

What is a aesthetic effects?

aesthetic effects: the psychological responses to beauty and artistic experiences.

What are the effects of psychological abuse?

Effects of psychological abuse can be long lasting and devastating. There are many different effects of psychological abuse that include shame, guilt, anxiety, crying, feeling helpless, avoidance of eye contact, and fear. Other effects can include depression, substance abuse, low self-esteem, and withdrawal.

What were the psychological effects of the Vietnam War on Americans?


What are the psychological effects of cannabis?

That you haven't tried it yet.

What are the psychological effects of music?

music refresh the mind ....

Why is MRSA methacillian resistant?

MRSA is hard to treat because it's resistant to some commonly used antibiotics.

Can you get MRSA from being in the same car with some one who has it?

MRSA is usually a nosocomial type of infection.Handwashing is very important.