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The first clue of osteoporosis is brittle bones that break easily. A fall that normal would result in minor bruising in a healthy person will break a bone in a woman who is osteoporotic. Medical advances allows simple testing to determine bone density in post-menopausal women, which allows treatment to begin before there are serious consequences.

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Q: What are some of the signs a woman is suffering from osteoporosis?
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What are the signs of osteoporosis?

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Where can I find more information about osteoporosis? offers some greta advice about osteoporosis! also has some info as the disorder. I highly recommend also check with your doctor on what he or she recommends.

What are some symptoms of osteoporosis?

There are no specific symptoms for osteoporosis. The main manifestation of osteoporosis is when you get bone fractures so easily. If you ever experience this kind of situation, you need to see an orthopedic, they are doctors who specialized in bone problems. Here's a good website for more information on osteoporosis:

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What are some common exercises for relieving the symptoms of osteoporosis?

You can still stay active even if you have osteoporosis. To relieve osteoporosis, you may want to do weight lifting, hiking, running, and even stair climbing.

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