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Here are a couple of excuses??? I have come across: "It's not you, it's me." "I love you but I am not IN love with you."

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Q: What are some of the excuses people give when they want to end their relationship?
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All people have a life. It is what they do with that makes the difference. Some make excuses and others do things,but good or bad they do have a life unless they are dead.

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No, because a main part of addiction is denial and bargining. People often argue they're not addicted and give excuses. Some people can know and stop and some don't even, if they know. Depends on the individual but there is no like 1 smoke turning point where you say, hey I am addicted after that.

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People use the term "no excuses" to emphasize the importance of taking responsibility and not making justifications for failures or shortcomings. It encourages accountability and a proactive mindset in overcoming obstacles or challenges.

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What does it mean when people give you the 'time of day'?

It means that someone probally wouldn't consider dating or talking to you to from some kind of bond or relationship