Ben Parkinson goes by Parky.
Norman Parkinson went by Parks.
Craig Parkinson goes by Cparks, and Sea Parks.
Parkinson - 1971 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG (some episodes) Australia:M (some episodes)
No. There are treatments that have been proven to help, but there isn't an outright cure for Parkinson's. There are no cures, but there are treatments.
There are a variety of charities that donate to the study of Parkinson's disease. Some of these charities are; Cure Parkinson's, Michael J Fox Foundation and Cure Parkinson's.
It is less effective for Parkinson's disease and central nervous system diseases and ALS although it does create some improvement.
dutch was one of his nicknames
He could have some of the soft signs of Parkinson's. I was wondering if he is drug affected, whether from routine use in the past or current usage.
Some of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease are Tremor or shaking, stiff and aching muscles, weakness of face and throat muscles, slow and limited movement and difficulty with walking and balancing.
parkinson's disease
Not as far as we know. Some families have a genetic disorder, making Parkinsonism more likely, but this is relatively rare . Most cases of Parkinson's are idiopathic ie unknown cause, but you cannot catch Parkinson's from someone who has it.