You normally have two inhalers. One is used daily and is called a preventative, this is usually brown in colour and contains a mild steroid to stop excess mucus and inflamation in the lungs. One drug used is Budesomide. The other is used when you feel short of breath or have a Asthma attack. This is usually blue and contains bronchodilaterial drugs that help to open up the air ways ,one is called Salbutamol but there are various different brand names.
Here it describes how to get rid of asthma
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These medicines are still given to people due to the fact that they can help reduce asthma symptoms. The risk of asthma death from these medicines is very small.
when you have asthma you will have to use prescription medicines to help with your breathing, i personally take salbutamol.
to treat what specific symptoms?
Antiasthmatic drugs are medicines that treat or prevent asthma attacks.
There is no cure, only treatments. Some are nutritive (herbal) while others such as inhalers are prescription medicines (bronchodilators). Sadly, some people cannot be cured of their Asthma -- the herbal treatments may work for some people, but not for everyone. Many children and adults have severe asthma which only responds to prescription medication. You should never stop taking your prescriptions without checking with your doctor, as your asthma may be life-threatening.
There is no cure, only treatments. Some are nutritive (herbal) while others such as inhalers are prescription medicines (bronchodilators). Sadly, some people cannot be cured of their Asthma -- the herbal treatments may work for some people, but not for everyone. Many children and adults have severe asthma which only responds to prescription medication. You should never stop taking your prescriptions without checking with your doctor, as your asthma may be life-threatening.
Adrenergic bronchodilators are the inhaled medicines which assist in the opening up the air passages. They treat asthma and chronic bronchitis.
their are medicines used as preventitives such as advair but also if u know what triggers your asma is a big prevention
:There is better inhalers that help more in attacks. Also, medicines have advanced.
Asthma inflames and constricts your bronchial tubes, which are essential tools in helping you breathe correctly. Symptoms include breathing difficulties, chest pain and wheezing, which vary in intensity depending on the severity of your asthma. Traditional medicines can help prevent and control asthma symptoms, and most are prescribed by a doctor. There are alternative treatments available to help relieve asthma symptoms, including black seed. "" You can check the benefits of black seed regarding asthma here.
Most people do not have trouble with taking NSAIDS even if they do have asthma. If your asthma is very severe and not controlled well with medication, you should check with your doctor before you take any over the counter medicines. As many as 20% of people with severe allergies and asthma can be allergic to aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If you are one of them, taking naproxen or aspirin might trigger a really severe asthma attack.