If you are looking for 80s clothes think less about finding a ready made costume and more about picking up some cheap clothes people used to wear in the 80s from ebay or from your local goodwill. That will make the costume that much more authentic.
There was a movie made in the 80s to teach medical students about hepatitis type B. The name was "The unknown carrier". Have no idea if it is available anywhere anymore.
probably mid-late 80s or early 90s mid to late 80s or early 90s
70s or 80s
Schaper Toys is the company that made Stompers in the 80s. These four wheel toys were powered with a single AA battery. In the United Kingdom they were called Trekkers.
Beastie Boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The name of the song is History, sang by Mai Tai. Sounds like an 80s song but it was actually made in 92.
elections, '80s
80s in new york. Many cities claim this tho
Love Your Body
Early 80s
Aaliyah made this