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Scientists have found a link with Rosacea and a skin mite called the Demodex Mite, rosacea sufferers have an abundance of these mites on their skin than people who do not suffer from rosacea. Although it is not actually the mite that is causing the reaction but the bacteria in the mites faeces, and as the eight legged arachnid has no anus, they just feed and feed on the sebaceous glands, storing the waste in their gut until they die, where the body disintegrates and all the waste is released into the pores of the skin, causing inflammation.

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13y ago

While there is no known cure for rosacea, there is an array of safe and effective treatments that are available to reduce its appearance and prevent further progression. It is important to have a quick response time to symptoms because the longer one waits before treatment, the more difficult the rosacea becomes to treat.

Rosacea treatment plans include:

  • oral medications - tetracycline, minocycline, erythromycin and isotretinoin
  • topical medications - metronidazole, tretinoin, benzoyl peroxide and azelaic acid
  • surgical procedures (mostly for advanced cases)
  • lifestyle modifications - recommended cleansers, moisturizers, or sunscreens
  • laser and light therapies (electrosugery)
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13y ago

The prognosis is good for controlling symptoms of rosacea and improving the appearance of the face. Many people require lifelong treatment and achieve good results. There is no known cure for the disorder.

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13y ago

The doctors mainly recommend different types of prescription medications. Changes in Lifestyle may also happen. Different kinds of soups and moisturizers maybe used to improve the look of the skin. If it is a case of hot flashes then there are medications. such as:

Topical Treatment: which mainly include the use of gel or lotions applied on the affected parts either once or two times a day. It mainly helps in reducing inflammation. Topical treatments include benzoyl peroxide, antibiotics, azelaic acid and tretinoin.

Apart from this surgery could also a solution like if the blood vessels become permanently enlarged, surgery may be required. Methods include electrosurgery and laser surgery.

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10y ago

I have been using Lyclear Dermal Cream for 8 weeks now, applying morning and night every 3 days with amazing results, I was diagnosed with Rosacea in 2008 and have tried everything including IPL laser treatment with no avail, until I discovered Lyclear it has completely cured all my symptoms of Rosacea and I would recommend anyone to give it a try, its the best £7.99 I have ever spent.

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12y ago

"While there is no definite cure for acne, there are strong prescription medications that are very effective such as acutane. Be sure to speak to your dermatologist about the side effects and risks of any prescription drug you wish to try."

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11y ago

There are many products that are good treatments for rosacea. Revitol, Skinception, and Zenmed are treatments for rosacea. Peter Thomas Roth Acne Spot and Area Treatment and some oral antibiotics are also treatments for rosacea.

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9y ago

Facial soaks or cleanings with one part vinegar and 6 parts water may help. Green tea soaks have also been found to help.

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14y ago

fatal 1 from fsk in modesto ca, has rosacea n he uses prosacea from a local drug store n some proscibed pills from his doc they work ok

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What are potential treatments for roseacea?

There are a few different possible treatments for the skin condition Rosacea. Lasers and light therapy are often helpful in treating certain types of Rosacea. There are also some types of medication that can clear up some of the symptoms of Rosacea.

What are some treatments that are used for Rosacea?

Rosacea treatment is recommended according to the type or subtype diagnosis of the condition. Treatments range from topical treatments, prescription ointments etc to laser surgery. Your dermatologist can recommend whats best for you.

What are some effective treatments for rosacea?

Antibacterial washes, tropical creams, antibiotic pills, lasers, pulsed-light therapies, photodynamic therapy, and isotretinoin are all effective treatments for rosacea.

What are FDA approved rosacea treatments?

While there are many rosacea treatments available on the market, not all of them are approved by the FDA. Two of the most popular FDA approved rosacea treatments are Obagi Rosaclear and Oracea, which is taken orally.

What are some treatments for rosacea?

There really is no one proven best treatment for the condition of rosacea. However, you have to visit a dermatologist so they can prescribe you wil the best option for you.

How many laser treatments are required to remove rosacea?

Rosacea is a facial skin disorder. It is caused by visible blood vessels and can be cured with a minimum of 3 treatments via a vascular laser or in extreme cases a CO2 laser.

What medications can cure acne rosacea?

There are many various oils and topical treatments for rosacea and more are coming on to the market all of the time. The best source to ask would be your dermatologist.

What are some effective treatments for acne rosacea?

Treatments depend on severity and subtypes. Mild cases go untreated and are simply covered up with normal cosmtics. For more severe kinds, there are topical medications and oral antibiotics.

What is the effective treatment of a bacterial infection and a viral infection?

The facts about &lt;a href=''&gt;laser for rosacea&lt;/a&gt;; know the causes, the best treatments, &lt;a href=''&gt;Skin care For Rosacea&lt;/a&gt; friendly foods, best makeups and how to apply them and effective holistic therapy.

Is pulsed dye laser good for diffuse facial redness?

Pulsed-dye laser has been said to help diffuse facial redness for those who are suffering from Rosacea. Other treatments for redness include topical treatments such as Metro-Gel and Mirvaso.

What kind of treatments are available for rosacea?

You can try a rosacea diet (a diet that eliminates foods that can cause breakouts/flareups), you can get a prescription for medications from your dermatologist and you can try to use skin care products, such as Clinque's redness relief.

What are some good diet plans for rosacea?

There are no real diets to help clear up rosacea. However, there are foods that should be avoided. Alcoholic beverages and chocolate are two of the more common items that can cause rosacea to become inflamed. As well, spicy foods that cause the face to flush can make rosacea to be more visible. Citrus can also heighten rosacea's visibility. Cooler temperatured foods and non-alcoholic drinks can help prevent the appearance of rosacea.