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Watch TV and make up a new script for the episode

Answer questions on Yahoo Answers

Draw portraits of all your friends

Play online dressup games

Randomly play with dolls

Write a book

Write a song

Type in Google: 'Fun websites for (your age)-year-olds

Make an account for wee world

Chat with friends on AIM

Complain about being sick (trust me, this CAN be fun)

Play wii

Chill on the couch with the AC on (it feels A LOT better when you are sick and the temp is cool, it clears up your sinuses so you can BREATH. Hot air makes your noes stuffier)

Pray to God about getting better soon

Think about how you are missing school and laugh about how EVERYONE HAS TO SUFFER!!! (ok kinda mean but it makes me feel a little bit better when I do that)

Think of cool fashions and draw them in a notebook

Watch a movie on YouTube

Go to Youtube and watch a singer you never thought you would listen to

Read a book

Look up random things on google


Take a warm bath (this clears your sinuses, too!)

TRUST ME. I am sick right now, with a sore throat, stuffy nose, spinning head, and a little bit of puking. Yep, I am miserable. I did all these things, and it made me feel much better and these things took my mind off of everything. I will be better soon, so don't spend YOUR days crying about how sick you are. Enjoy those two to three days off from school, kick back, relax, and have FUN!

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14y ago
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12y ago

Im really sick ive been off school for 3 days but i want to help u people so here are some ideas of what to do when your sick:

1)watch tv and dvd's

2)look at some old photos ore videos of you and your family


4)watch funny video's on your computer like parody's

5)play an instrument if you do

6)HOMEWORK im serous

7) try to sleep

8)read a good book

9)play a bordgame with ur mom or dad

10)do a puzzle

O.K i hope this helped u

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15y ago


Video Games

word games

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No it was designed for Playstation 2 games and while it can play some PS titles it can not play Xbox or Xbox 360 games

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just talk them into it. tell them that they don't play with u enough and that u just want to play with them and spend some time with them for a while.

How do you play games on Skype mac?

Yes. Skype offers some games through their app store including FireArc Arcade. You can also play games while using Skype to talk to your friends. Good games for this include Wordner and Roblox.