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Pancreatic amylase



Salivary amylase


Rennin (younger version of pepsin mostly found in babies)

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Q: What are some enzymes found in the digestive system?
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What does the small intestine do in a ruminant digestive system?

In the small intestine, carbohydrates, fats and proteins are being emulsified with the help of some digestive enzymes.

What is the uses of enzymes in Pharmaceutical and Medical Industries?

enzymes are used to cure some cancers and are in some drugs like worming tablets. The body also has enzymes in places like the digestive system. Enzymes are very useful =]

What catalysts are present in digestive fluid?

Digestive fluids contain various catalysts such as enzymes, which help break down large molecules into smaller ones for absorption and utilization by the body. Some common enzymes found in digestive fluids include amylase, protease, and lipase, which assist in the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, respectively.

Does digestive enzymes will still function in the small intestin?

The small intestine is the site of work of some digestive enzymes that are secreted there. It is not an ideal site for the continued work of enzymes from the stomach, as the pH is not hospitable for the work of those gastric enzymes.

Does lysosome contain digestive enzymes?

YesThey contain many enzymes for recycling. Some are protease,nuclease,lypase etc

Does the respritory system help the digestive system in some way?

Yes, the respiratory system provides oxygen to the digestive system.

How does a fluke protect itself from the digestive enzymes of its hosts?

Flukes have a protective covering called a tegument that helps them evade the digestive enzymes of their hosts. The tegument acts as a barrier, preventing the enzymes from reaching the fluke's body. Additionally, some flukes have evolved mechanisms to neutralize or resist the effects of digestive enzymes.

What are some parts in the digestive system?

some parts of the digestive system are the small and large intestine, liver, gallbladder, and stomach.

Gallbladder and pancreas are part of what system?

the gall bladder is part of the digestive system because it It produces and stores the bile.

Does noodle produce sugar in body?

Noodles are made of some flour and mainly refined wheat flour. This flour contain carbohydrates and carbohydrates is mixture of sugars and other things so that is what your digestive system do, it separates the sugars and other things and digest them at different levels of digestive system by different enzymes.

Is breaking down nutrients the function of your digestive system?

no that is what enzymes do to particles of nutrients wich are to big to digest. some particles are taken into the blood vessels to be taken to somewhere else. is that the answer U wanted? :)

What is spit made of?

Spit, which more formally is called saliva, is mostly water, with some digestive enzymes in it.