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Cancer tumors and even the smallest diseases are fatal without the proper medical attention.A fever can run wild and a unattended cough could become infectious if let go.

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Q: What are some diseases that are fatal but curable?
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What are the 2 types of diseases?

One disease is fatal, and the other disease is curable.

How are cummunicable diseases curable?

Answer Some diseases are curable some aren't. Aids has no cure, Herpes can be controlled but it can't be cured, I'd be careful with whom you have unprotected sex with.

What is a non curable disease?

A non-curable disease is just that. There are diseases that can be cured. Then, there are diseases that can be treated or controlled, but nothing better.

Can helathemia be 100 percent cureable?

Unfortunately, there is no information available on if helathemia will be 100 percent curable. Some of the curable diseases are Vertigo, Schizophrenia, and Fibromyomas.

What is the Amount of people who die of curable diseases?

it is me

What is a sentence for curable?

This is a curable condition.Unfortunately, death is not curable.

Is Kawasaki disease curable?

Under 3% of patients suffer fatal complications; most children recover uneventfully

What does a medical researcher do for a job?

A medical Researcher is a person who researches diseases viral, non-viral, curable, and incurable diseases. like Leukemia .

Is salmonella curable or not?

Is Salmonella curable? I have been researching the same question. Yes, it is curable, but it can be fatal to infants and older people.

What are acute?

Diseases which r curable and having short period of intense r called acute diseases. Eg cold, strep throat, influenza.

Treatment of pathogenic diseases?

you can use simple antibiotics, medicines and of course seek medicinal help, Professional best, but not all pathogenic diseases are curable.

Is a disease curable?

some are, some are not