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There is HIV testing,allergy testing,cancer blood testing,STD testing. There are different types of blood tests. They help doctors check you for diseases and different things.

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Q: What are some different types of blood tests?
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in Africa discovered by monkeys in a lab from blood tests of some types of animals

Why are different tubes used when taking blood?

Different tubes are used to collect blood for various tests to prevent contamination and ensure accurate results. Each tube contains different additives to preserve the blood sample for specific tests, such as anticoagulants to prevent blood clotting or clot activators to enhance clotting for specific tests. Choosing the right tube ensures the blood sample remains stable and suitable for the intended analysis.

What is the relevance of blood types?

Blood has different mixes which makes some blood different from others this is very important during blood transfusions.

Why are their so many blood types and how do people get those blood types What are some of the least common blood types?

There are negative and positive of A, B, AB, and O. That means that there are 8 different blood types. Your blood type is determined based upon your mother and fathers blood types. O negative is the rarest blood type.

What do the different colors on the blood tubes mean?

Some of the tubes have special ingredients in them that mix with the blood to preserve it others do not. The lab tech has a sheet which tells them which blood tests are run from which tube.

What blood type will the baby have if both parents have different blood types?

The baby will have some combination of the parents blood types. Without more information I cannot give you more specific info.

Are there difernt kind of bloods?

Sort of. Humans can have several different blood types. Some are interchangeable, some aren't

You had some blood tests and you want to know what the tests were for?

ask your doctor. you have the right to know

Is there such a thing as eating by blood type?

Not really. There are some minor differences between the different types of blood, but all types can essentially eat whatever they want as long as it is healthy.

What are rare types of blood?

Some rare types of blood include the Bombay blood group, which lacks some common antigens, and the Rh-null blood type, which lacks all Rh antigens. These rare blood types can make finding compatible blood for transfusions more challenging.