Having "catch phrases" will sound very phony and just too cute. Everyone can see you are pregnant and it is a natural part of life. I suggest you just be real.
Lucky in love in Las Vegas
The Best of Brazil is the Brazilians !
Your sole knows it fits
You're not just saving the planet, you're saving YOU!
coughs and sneezes spread diseases
i lost my teddy bear can i sleep with you Answer Thank you Jesus, for all you do for me, I know you are always with me.
"Eric Partridge, "A Dictionary of Catch Phrases American and British," mentions some similar phrases that mean "How's your sex life?" They refer to the male organs and are "low" phrases (he says) of U.S. origin, dating from the 1920s."
Some symptoms of being pregnant before a missed period are nausea and dizziness. You may also have some breast tenderness.
A good catch phrase is this one, If leaves were hugs i would give you a tree and if kisses were water I would give u the ocean and if your love was time I would give you eternity.
"Mercurial magic in motion." "Riding the silvery current of mercury." "Dancing with liquid silver." "The quicksilver allure of mercury."
Actually even with being on the pill you an still get pregnant. Some ladies have a higher chance by being on the pill. I was on the pill and got pregnant.
Pregers, knocked up.