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There are many things that cause a hand ache. A few of these things would be a recent injury, a hand being kept in a certain position for too long, and using a hand for too long in a repetitive motion.

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9y ago

Hand pain can be the result of a number of issues. Among these can be repetitive motion injury such as carpal tunnel syndrome. It could be Arthritis. Perhaps a cyst. It could be a form of tendonitis.
Your best course of action would be to consult an orthopedist.

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9y ago

Writing to hard can give you hand pain and also using your hand muscle to much.

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17y ago

Punching walls

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Q: What are possible causes for aching hands?
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Does carpal result in aching hands and wrists?

I think you are wanting to know if carpal tunnel syndrome can cause aching in hands...and the answer is yes!Usually you will have numbness and tingling or a falling asleep feeling in the hands,but some also have an aching feeling.You might have other conditions causing the aching,like tendonitis etc...the inflammation of tendons can cause swelling and this can cause the aching feeling.Arthritis can also cause aching,but it is usually in the joints and worse in the morning. for more info go to

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Aching hands, and of course cold hands are leading signs of cold hands condition. Although symptoms are not always the same from person to person, one may want to consider checking with their doctor.

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Can you use the word aching in a sentence?

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When was Tiffany Aching created?

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