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Treatments for anorexics vary based on individual need and severity of the disorder. Many hospitals will help in physical rehabilitation including weight gain back to a healthy, stable weight and help with vitamin and mineral deficiencies to aid those suffering from malnutrition. The most important treatment, however, is that of therapy. Eating disorders are primarily mental diseases with physical manifestation. Individual, group, and family therapy by trained mental health professionals is aimed at helping to restore normal eating habits and views towards food.

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Q: What are people with anorexia nervosa often treated in hospitals for?
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People with anorexia nervosa are often treated in a hospital because?

Their weight loss is extreme

Who has died from Anorexia Nervosa?

Unfortunately, many people have died from Anorexia Nervosa. A famous singer, Karen Carpenter, with a voice like an angel, died from the effects and complications of Anorexia Nervosa.

Is anorexia nervosa communicable?

Anorexia Nervosa is a mental disorder. Mental disorders are not communicable. However, people with anorexia can influence their peers to copy their behavior, knowingly or not.

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anorexia nervosa

What people who suffer from believe that they are fat?

anorexia nervosa

What is the disease where people can diet themselves to death?

Anorexia Nervosa

How many people in the world have anorexia?

It is estimated that about 1% of the global population may be affected by anorexia nervosa. This equates to millions of individuals worldwide struggling with this eating disorder.

When was Michael Jackson diagnosed with anorexia nervosa?

Michael never had anorexia nervosa. Lot of people thought so because he was extremely skinny and he didn't eat a lot, but it never came to the point that they diagnosed anorexia.

What is the disease in which people can literally diet themselves to death?

Anorexia Nervosa.

People who believe they are overweight and refuse to eat?

Anorexics (anorexia nervosa)

Eating disorder assosated with severe food restrictions?

anorexia nervosa could be the possibility, but those who are anorexic perfer not to eat. The highest chance is orthorexia nervosa , which is caused by eating only healthy foods and constantly dieting.