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its called ambidextrous, that's what i am :)

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Q: What are people who can use their right and left hands are called?
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Related questions

Why do people shack hands with there right hand and not with there left?

People shake hands with their right hand and not their left one because using the left hand is considered to be improper etiquette.

How do you be called who writes in right and left hand?

A person who can write with both the right and left hands are ambidextrous .

Are you born left handed or right handed?

If you are born left handed, then you are left handed with the ability to use your right. Being able to use both hands is called being ambidextrous. Teaching yourself to be ambidextrous is called penwald.

Did Hitler shake hands with his left hand?

No. Hitler did not shake hands with his left hand. There are many photographs which can prove this, also note that there is no photograph of Adolf Hitler which portrays his shake hand with the left hand. For visual confirmation, search about "Stauffenberg" on Wikipedia, there will be a photograph on that page which shows Hitler shaking hands with his right hand.

Why are toilet flush handles on the left side?

I believe it is because most people are right handed and wipe with their right hand. By putting the flush handle on the left, most people will use their left hand to flush, theoretically, the cleaner of the two hands.

Is it ok to cheat your right hand with your left hand if you are right-handed?

ANSWER: If your talking about logic when it comes to our hands, you can, because people who are left handed hardly use their right hands, but I will give you my own story here, I am a left handed person but because I attended a Private Catholic school, we are not allowed to use our left hand so I learn to use my right hand, so now I can use my right and left hand when it comes on writing.

What word is used to describe someone who is neither left or right handed but can use both hands with equal ease?

A person with equal preference for using both hands is called ambidextrous. It apparently came from words meaning "two right hands."

Can right handed people be dyslexic?

Anybody can be dyslexic, left handed people, right handed people, people who use both hands. You need to look what dyslexia is mate, because this is a stupid question.

Can you shake hands with your left?

Yes but as most people are right handed it maight be more prtactical to learn to shake with your right hand. (That is my opinion only)

What hands Europeans write with?

Has nothing to do with being European or not. Right handed people write with their right, left handed write with their left. There may be some backward places still around, where left handed people are forced to learn to write with their right. But they're getting rarer each year.

What is Jewish dancing?

Perhaps the questioner is referring to the traditional celebratory dance that's called the 'hora'. In the hora, people form a circle and either interlock their arms or hold hands. The step is called a vine step, if the circle is moving in a leftward direction, the first step is the right foot to the left in front of the left foot. The second step is to move the left foot to the left so that you shift left. The steps are repeated so that the people dancing are always moving to the left. The reverse of these steps is done if the people wish to circle to the right.

Is there a left handed hockeystick?

a hockey stick can alternate right and left hands.