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Q: What are nuts that look like tiny brains?
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Cuz it just small like there &@\\$

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Worms have very tiny brains.

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The cast of Tiny Brains - 2013 includes: Julian Casey as Scientist

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Tiny Brains - 2013 VG was released on: USA: 26 November 2013

How do coral skeletons look?

They look like tiny bones.

What does a baby bat look like?

Bat pups are tiny when born. Pups are born without hair and they look tiny, scrawny and pink.

Do mosquitoes have brains?

Mosquitoes like other insects have a tiny central nervous system which consists of a nerve ganglion rather than an actual brain. A ganglion can be considered to be equivalent to a very tiny brain.

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bactirea and tiny shrimp

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yes a tiny weeny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny bit But, not nearly as much as Prime Minister Zapatero.

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tiny and toya house is really big! like a 3 storage house