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Normal levels of hemoglobin for neonates are 17 - 22 g/dl.

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Q: What are normal hemoglobin levels or amounts of iron for neonates?
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What are normal hemoglobin levels or amounts of iron for adult females?

Normal levels of hemoglobin for adult females past menopause are 11.7 - 13.8 g/dl.

What are the normal hemoglobin levels or amounts of iron for one week old infants?

Normal levels of hemoglobin for one week old infants are 15 - 20 g/dl.

What are the normal hemoglobin levels or amounts of iron for one month old infants?

Normal levels of hemoglobin for one month old infants are 11 - 15 g/dl.

A red blood cell that contains normal amounts of hemoglobin is called?

A red blood cell that contains normal amounts of hemoglobin is called a normocytic red blood cell.

What is the normal Hemoglobin or Hg in a Male patient?

Normal Hemoglobin levels in a Male is 13.8 to 17.2 gm/dL but this can vary based on various labs and what they consider to be the normal range.

A red blood cell that contains normal amounts of hemoglobin would be called?


Is a hemoglobin level of 17.6 normal?

The normal hemoglobin level ranges from 12-18 grams per deciliter. Above normal hemoglobin levels may result in dehydration, excess production of rbc in bone marrow and other conditions.

What are the normal parameters for hemoglobin levels?

Normal hemoglobin levels are typically: 12 to 16 grams per deciliter (g/dL) for women 13.5 to 17.5 g/dL for men

Should you be worried if your teenage daughters hemagolbin in 11.2?

Normal hemoglobin levels for children range from 11 to 16 so she is within the normal limits. If she does not follow a good diet you may want to start her on vitamins which contain iron and that will help improve her hemoglobin levels.

What waste product of normal breakdown of hemoglobin?

Bilirubin is a waste product of the normal breakdown of hemoglobin in red blood cells. It is formed in the liver and then excreted in bile. When levels of bilirubin are high, it can cause jaundice.

Are high hemoglobin levels dangerous?

Sometimes high hemoglobin levels are dangerous. Usually levels of hemoglobin that are above normal indicate a problem with your health. The levels are usually high when a patient has advanced lung cancer such as emphysema, certain types of tumors, disorders of the bone marrow, and abuse of epogen by athletes for blood doping purposes. There are also times when the body produces false high's. These times are when someone lives at high altitudes, or when someone is dehydrated, but the levels return to normal when the person goes to an area of normal altitudes or when the dehydrated persons fluids are replenished.

Is 11.7 hemoglobin normal in adult male?

A hemoglobin level of 11.7 g/dL is considered low for adult males. Normal hemoglobin levels for adult men typically range between 13.8 to 17.2 g/dL. It is advisable to consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation and management if the hemoglobin level is low.