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The hypothalamus regulates the Pituitary gland, and the Pituitary gland regulates the rest of the endocrine system.

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Negative feedback mechanism.

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Negative feedback Mechanism

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Q: What are most hormone action regulated by?
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How is anti diuretic hormone secretion regulated?

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is regulated by the pituitary gland. The anitidiuretic hormone maintains blood pressure and controls incoming water through the kidneys

What is ovulation regulated by?

Estrogen is the hormone. It is secreted by ovaries

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When a hormone opposes the action of another hormone it is called?

an antagonistic hormone

What hormone causes dwarfism or gigantism in children when levels are improprerly regulated?

The growth hormone is responsible for causing dwarfism or gigantism in children when levels are improperly regulated. Inadequate levels of growth hormone can lead to dwarfism, while excessive levels can result in gigantism. This hormone plays a crucial role in regulating growth and development in children.

What hormone has a paracrine and autocrine action and also is a circulating hormone?

Growth hormone

What regulates growth through secretion of growth hormone?

Secretion of growth hormone (GH) in the pituitary is regulated by the neurosecretory nuclei of the hypothalamus.

Hormone production is self regulated by which mechanism?

Hormone production is self-regulated through a negative feedback mechanism. This means that when hormone levels in the blood reach a certain threshold, the body signals the glands to stop producing that hormone until levels drop back down. This helps maintain a balance of hormones in the body.

What hormones is regulated by a neuroendocrine reflex oxytocin cortisol antidiuretic hormone?


Parathyroid hormone regulated?

It increases the calcium level.It decreses the phosphste level.

When a hormone opposing the action of another hormone it is called?

antagonistic effect

How are hormones levels regulated?

Hormone levels are controlled by the pituitary glands. Depends on the hormone. Blood sugar is decreased by the pancreas releasing insulin.