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It means to grow outwardly.

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Q: What are low attenuation exophytic lesions?
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What is Low attenuation lesion in the left kidney?

what does low attenuation area mean in left kidney

What does a 5 mm low attenuation lesion in the left hepatic lobe mean?

I have seen this alot on patient reports. A low attenuation lesion on a certain area of your liver just basically means there is something there it could be a scar or shadow. The low attenuation is a measurement. How strong it is. Low attenuation is good and usually not a concern. If it showed high than it is cause for concern. Repeat your test in 4-6 months just to make sure it does not change.

What is exophytic papaloma?

Warts that grow outwards

What are patchy areas of low attenuation in the brainstem mean?

Since 'attenuation' is used, I assume they're talking about CT. Low attenuation means there's not as much tissue in that area blocking the x rays of the CT scanner, which could indicate atrophy in that region I believe. Yes a CT scan was performed on my son's head. It said the patchy attenuation was located in the pons area of the brain stem. How serious is this and how should he follow up?

A ct scan was performed on my son's head the patchy attenuation was in the pons area of the brainstem how serious is this and how should he follow up please?

Low attenuation can mean different things. Was it a CT scan or MRI, do you know if they used contrast. An area with low attenuation needs to be re-evaluated to see what it is. Why did he have the scan? Did he have a trauma/injury? Was he having headaches or other symptoms? What else did the doctors tell you?

What is a Exophytic cyst?

Hope this was helpful Im not sure either but i had an pelvic ultrasound to check on my endometriosis and report says that i have septated cyst and an exophytic cyst so that's different to liver or kidneys

What is homogeneous attenuation of liver and spleen?

Homogeneous attenuation of the liver and spleen on imaging studies usually indicates that the tissues have a uniform density, suggesting that there are no significant areas of abnormality, such as masses or lesions. It may be a normal finding or can be seen in certain conditions like fatty infiltration or certain infections. Further evaluation may be needed to determine the cause of this finding.

Does attenuation happen when EM wave travels in space?

There is no attenuation due to absorption, but attenuation will occur due to divergence (spreading out) of the wave.

Where can you find information about attenuation?

Attenuation means the reduction of signal strength during transmission. If one is looking for information about attenuation, it can be found on the Wikipedia website.

What is a large exophytic osteophyte?

It is a large build up of bone on the outside of a bone or joint.

What is the opposite of attenuation?

The opposite of attenuation is amplification. Amplification involves increasing the strength or intensity of a signal, sound, or electrical current, while attenuation involves decreasing it.

Non-desructive attenuation for attenuation measurement in optical fiber?

Because race car.