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beans? they produce a lot of gas from your butt. do not let the gas out in school! the people who smell it would grab their nose, but your fart might be loud so they will know who farted and make fun of you especially your a girl because girl farts smell more then boys' farts. I know that because I once smelt a girl's fart in school and it was NASTY! I soon found out that Ava let the gas out.

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Q: What are good veggies and beans to eat for gout?
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Can you eat 3 cups of raw veggies mixed and still lose weight?

depends on type of veggies, beans yes, potatoes no

Do sugar gliders eat green beans?

I have two male sugar gliders. They both eat green beans. (they would rather have sweets of course! I always make them eat their veggies before they get fruits!)

What type of food do spanish people have?

They eat lots of rice, soup, tortillas, and beans and veggies. Also, they eat varieties of fruits.

Should you eat chicken noodle soup if you have gout?

It won't help the gout , but it makes you feel good, so why not.

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What vegtables did ancient romans eat?

The ancient Romans ate a variety of veggies, but they did not have access to the "New World" veggies, such as tomatoes, potatoes, yams, etc. Lettuce, asparagus, and beans were favorites.

Is rice good for gout?

it's my first time to have gout. i have no idea what food should i eat while I'm having the attack.

What veggies do poodles like?

Poodles like and can eat a few pieces of; carrot, green beans, potato, lettuce, squash. No, peas, they have too much sugar. No, cauliflower or gas forming veggies.

What did the people from greeace eat?

they ate beans figs veggies lettuce cabbage garlic cheese olives fruit peas and bread

What don't hamsters eat?

Canned or frozen veggies raw beans, sprouting potato buds, onions, garlic, toffee, and Chocolate

Do people in Manitoba eat fruits veggies and meat?

Yes they eat chicken pork and beef... they also eat tomatoes apples potatoes strawberrys carrots onions pears beans and celery.

Is it okay to eat tomatoes if you have gout?

It is OK to eat tomatoes if you have gout, tomato's are one of the low risk foods for gout sufferers.