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Torn Cartilage




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Q: What are five typical joint injuries?
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2 injuries that can be sustained at the joint?

Two common injuries that can occur at the joint are sprains and dislocations. A sprain is the stretching or tearing of ligaments, while a dislocation is the displacement of bones at the joint. Both injuries can result in pain, swelling, and limited range of motion.

What injuries might an orthopedic cure?

Bone and joint injuries

What joint in the body is most susceptible to sports injuries?

knee joint

What are two ways to treat bone and joint injuries surgically?

joint replacement and arthrosopy

What are knee injuries?

The five most common knee problems are arthritis, tendonitis, bruises, cartilage tears, and damaged ligaments. Knee injuries can be caused by accidents, impact, sudden or awkward movements, and gradual wear and tear of the knee joint.

What are some of the typical injuries basketball players can get?

sprained ancle

Where are clenched fist injuries most common?

Clenched fist injuries are most common over the metacarpo phalangeal joint

What types of injuries results when two bone that come together to form a joint become separated?

A dislocation is when a joint becomes separated.

Compared to the shoulder and hip joints in what way is the knee joint poorly protected and thus especially vulnerable to injuries?

Compare to the shoulder and hip joints, in what way is the knee joint poorly protected and thus, especiall vulnerable to injuries?

What has the author Richard G Eaton written?

Richard G. Eaton has written: 'Joint injuries of the hand' -- subject(s): Hand, Wounds and injuries

What is secondary osteoarthritis?

Secondary OA results from chronic or sudden injury to a joint. It can occur in any joint. Secondary OA is associated with the following factors: trauma, including sports injuries, repetitive stress injuries associated with certain occupations.

Why do joint injuries heal so slowly?

the bone and muscle tissue need to reform