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Lepromatous leprosy is characterized by a chronic stuffy nose due to invasion of the mucous membranes, and the presence of nodules and lesions all over the body and face.

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Q: What are first signs of lepromatous leprosy?
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Related questions

What is the behavior of the organism that causes lepromatous leprosy?

In lepromatous leprosy, the organism multiplies freely in the skin.

Maximum lepra bacilli seen in which type of leprosy?

lepromatous leprosy

How long does it take for the symptoms of lepromatous leprosy to develop?

Probably because of the slow growth of the bacillus, lepromatous leprosy develops even more slowly, taking an average of eight years for the initial lesions to appear.

What serious conditions can result from lepromatous leprosy?

This type of leprosy can lead to blindness, drastic change in voice, or mutilation of the nose.

What is another name for lepromatous leprosy?

This type of leprosy is also called the multibacillary (MB) leprosy, because of the presence of large numbers of bacteria.

What parts of the face can be infected by lepromatous leprosy?

Occasionally, the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and throat may be involved.

What look can the face take on when infected by lepromatous leprosy?

Facial involvement can produce a lion-like appearance (leonine facies).

What is the death rate of Leprosy?

None. Leprosy doesn't kill anyone. The only way a death can occur is infection through the nodules which is very rare to begin with. These nodules only occur in the form of leprosy Lepromatous which is the most damaging.

How does the body react to leprosy?

Some people are genetically resistant to leprosy, probably and no matter what, they do not get leprosy. Other with tuberculous type of leprosy have high resistance to leprosy. Those with lepromatous type of leprosy have least resistance to leprosy germs. The intermediate leprosy type have intermediate resistance to leprosy germs. Body reacts to leprosy by trying to kill the leprosy causing germs. There is an inflammatory response.

What happened if any patient of tuberculoid leprosy stopped taking medicine during course?

Opinion only: There are two types of leprosy: tuberculoid and lepromatous. Both forms cause skin sores and peripheral nerve damage; however, tuberculoid is less severe than lepromatous leprosy. (Source: Natural Standard International Research) Management of leprosy is aimed at stopping infection and minimizing potential physical deformities. First-line antibiotics used to eliminate organisms include dapsone, rifampicin and clofazimine. Varying regimens are used depending on the type of leprosy and the severity of infection. This may be a combination of two or three antibiotics given over varying lengths of time. Other antibiotics include minocycline, ofloxacin and clarithromycin. Patient education is paramount. Leprosy can be cured, but it is essential to take the full course of medication.

Is an itchy eye and itchy nose signs of leprosy?


Can leprosy kill you if left untreated?

Leprosy is lethal if you can't get it treated because your body parts start to fall of and your body falls apart.Ps joshua bolton is awsome