Your toenails and fingernails protect the tissues of your toes and fingers. They are made up of layers of a hardened protein called keratin, which is also in your hair and skin. Your nails' health can be a clue to your overall health. Healthy nails are usually smooth and consistent in color. Specific types of nail discoloration and changes in growth rate can signal various lung, heart, kidney and liver diseases, as well as Diabetes and anemia. White spots and vertical ridges are harmless.
Nail problems that sometimes require treatment include bacterial and fungal infections, ingrown nails, tumors and warts. Keeping nails clean, dry and trimmed can help you avoid some problems. Do not remove the cuticle, which can cause infection.
Your nail is made out of keratin. What kertian is made out of is: dead cells packed real tight together ( that's why it is hard.
Anatomically fingernails and toenails, which are made of a tough protein called cartilage and are produced from living skin cells in the fingers and toes, are made up of many different parts:
In common usage the word nail usually refers to the nail plate only.
Finger and toe nails are composed mostly of a fibrous protein called keratin.
No, toenails are made out of a protein called keratin. Cartilage is a different type of connective tissue found in the body.
The Egyptians covered their fingernails and toenails with gold.
you finger nails turn green because it has no blood flowing into it
It seems as if Biotin makes a difference for all finger/toe nails...
well it is finger nails
Finger nails are made of a protein called keratin.
Yes, fingernails do grow faster than toenails.
Fingernails and toenails are plates of stratified squamous epithelial cells with hard keratin that protect the distal ends of the phalanges. The phalanges are the finger bones.You are describing finger nails and toe nails. For some interesting nail facts: fingernails grow faster than toenails. The fingernails on the right hand of a right-handed person grow faster than those on their left hand.
My dog's toenails are not black. They are white. Not all dogs have black toenails. Not sure what made you think that are mistaken.
Fingernails and toenails are covered with a hard protein called keratin. This protein gives nails their strength and rigidity.
In Ancient Egypt, fingernails and toenails were painted with a special metal called henna. Henna is a plant-based dye that stains the nails reddish-brown.