

Best Answer

Veriform appendix

  • "veriform" is a Latin word meaning "worm-shaped"
  • The exact position of the appendix can vary. Most often it is found behind the caecum (retrocaecal 64% of cases), and least often found behind the ileum (postileal 0.5% of cases)
  • The appendix plays a role in manufacturing hormones in foetal development as well as exposing the body the antigen to force it to produce antibodies, thus "training" the immune system
  • Appendectomies are the most common surgical emergencies of the abdomen in the world
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What is the meaning of appendix in english?

It is additional material at the end of a book, as an explanation giving further useful facts

What is the Tagalog for appendix?

Tagalog for appendix: apendiks

What is a finger-like sac that has no known function in humans?

The appendix.

Does Batista take steriodes?

Yes he does! When he was in OVW he was training in the gym and from doing sit ups he ripped his appendix open doing so May 2010 That is a flat out lie! He did rip his appendix doing sit ups, appendix's don't rip open! He has not taken steroids in the last four years due to if he does he doesn't have a job. Get your facts before spreading lies

Why does your appendix hurt when you exercise?

I have no appendix!

Does a Koala have an appendix?

Yes, they have an appendix. Also, said appendix is about two meters long.

Do squirrels have an appendix?

Ferrets do not have an appendix or a cecum.

What is it called when you have stones in your appendix?

It is called appendicolith when there are stones or calcifications in the appendix. This condition can lead to inflammation or blockage of the appendix, causing appendicitis.

The medical term for inflammation of the appendix is what?

The medical term for the appendix is, appendix.

How does appendicitis affect the appendix?

The tip of the appendix become inflamed in the initial stage. At time the appendix get necrosis. Appendix may burst, giving rise to peritonitis.

Can you have appendictis twice?

If you don't have your appendix out the first time then yes, you can get it twice. If you get it once and have your appendix out (which is the majority of the cases) then no. You cannot. It is impossible to get appendicitis (infection of the appendix) with no appendix.

Where is an appendix located in a book?

An appendix is in the back of the book.