- More Children die of Pneumonia that any other illness.
- The Mycoplasmic Pneumonia is also known as the Walking Pneumonia
- About 2 million cases of Pneumonia are reported in USA each year
- 40 to 70 thousand of those people die of it each year.
Pneumonia is a general term, not a specific disease. There is viral pneumonia, bacterial pneumonia, and a fungal pneumonia, among others.
walking pneumonia
There is no opposite of pneumonia.
Bilateral pneumonia.
This type of pneumonia is also called atypical pneumonia, walking pneumonia, or community-acquired pneumonia
You should say, "I recovered from pneumonia."
Multifocal pneumonia means that there are patches of pneumonia throughout your lungs as opposed to lobar pneumonia which is contained in one spot.
I once had pneumonia.
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (pneumonia)
Pneumonia is a disease of the lungs. Fish have gills and do not have lungs. Ergo! Fish can not suffer from pneumonia, so pneumonia can not kill fish.
Pneumocystic carinii pneumonia
Pneumonia is a respiratory disease, rather than a place or state, but there are a few entries on Google maps such as "Pneumonia Lake", "Pneumonia Gulch" and "Pneumonia Road" that are named after the disease.