Well.................................you have told the universe your heart is up for tradesies, and the universe will put you on their list, maybe something called, 'will trade for the good of man', say, or 'earn points for my brethren', and when your time comes , humans will determine if your heart is a candidate for removal, remove it, and someone will receive it.
I would also like to donate my heart immediately to a poor cop in our area who, I think, will appreciate a heart more than I currently am, but there's no getting around it. Start lining up your ducks now for the next time
It is evident that most mechanical complications appear as a human ages. Two major disadvantages are those pertaining to the skeletal and cardiovascular systems. Disadvantages are the developing of joint to bone frailties, irregularity heart pulsation and possible valve deterioration.
yes because it is a human heart
One of the disadvantages of Human Trafficking is that the victims are always faced with problem of insecurity and inferiority complex.
High CaloriesHigh FatHigh Sodiumcauses heart diseasemakes you illcauses cancerlots of oillots of fatunhealthymakes you fatnot balanced nutritionincreases methane in the human body
The cow heart is bigger than the human heart.
the artificial heart is used to save human life when a human's heart fails.
God created the human heart. He is amazing!
Nope. The human heart is a muscle not an organ.
It has 4 chambers in the human heart
A frog's heart has only three chambers, and a human's heart has four chambers.
Any Human Heart was created in 2002.
Map of the Human Heart was created in 1993.