pseudologia fantastica
There is no technical term for the fear of liars. People who fear liars may have trust issues for different reasons.
It's directed by heaps of different directors
Many liars do not have good memories and get caught lying. Some liars are very imaginative and can think up many different lies and remember them. The best thing to do when someone is lying is to avoid them. Who wants to have to listen to lies all the time?!
yes there are different types of gills in different types of fishes.
No in the book series there is only two different A's.
this depends on what is being said or done, usually these types are called liars
different types
different products we get from different types of trees
They are different because the books has more interesting details and more information that isn't on the show.
what are some different types of mainframes
I think its Mona or the real Ali. But, who knows. Its different from the books