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Q: What are conjoined twins life expectancy last?
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How long do conjoined twins live?

The life expectancy of conjoined twins can vary greatly depending on their specific circumstances, including the location and extent of their connection, as well as any shared organs or health conditions. Some may only live for a few days or weeks, while others can survive into adulthood with proper medical care.

What was the last name of the conjoined twins born in 2000 in Auckland that quickly died after birth?

They were Faith and Hope Emberson.Faith, Hope together in both life and death

What is the chance of conjoined twins surviving?

Quite high. There life span is roughly same as normal humans.

Can conjoined twins be male and female?

No. Conjoined twins are always identical twins, and never just fraternal twins. Identical twins come from a single embryo that splits. In the case of conjoined twins, a complete split never occurs. So when they come from the same embryo, they are always the same gender.

what is the life expectancy of this product?

According to the manufacturer the this cycle has an in home life expectancy that last a life time. For commercial users the expectancy is only 5 years. This is based on normal use of the product for each environment.

What is the life expectancy of vinyl blinds?

They can last up to 20 years.

What does the last name L'Esperance mean?

IN french I believe it means life expectancy, but the last name L'esperance I believe can mean a few things depending on where you put the symbols. With the way this is spelt I am sure it means Life expectancy.

How has life expectancy changed in the last 100 years?

bum bum bum

What country has a higher life expectancy France or UK?

France. According to the last data, the life expectancy in France is 81,5 years (2011), in the UK 80,1 years (2010).

How have the life expectancy of males and females changed over the last 100 years?

Overall, the life expectancy of both males and females has increased over the last 100 years due to advancements in healthcare, sanitation, and technology. Females tend to have a longer life expectancy than males, and this gap has narrowed but still persists. Factors like lifestyle, genetics, and access to healthcare continue to influence life expectancy for both genders.

What is the life expectancy of a 2005 Dodge Caravan?

With normal maintenance they will last 250,000 miles

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