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Q: What are characteristics of cancer?
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Are there visible characteristics of testicular cancer?

sometimes yes

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Is cancer and cancer cells the same?

Cancer is the term describing cancer cells and their location. There is a unique medical name describing every type of cancer known in the registry. The name is given based on the characteristics of the cancer cells, such as carcinoma or blastoma.

If a person born on June 21 then is that person called a true Gemini?

They are Gemini-Cancer Cusp. They aren't exactly true Geminis as they have characteristics of both Gemini and Cancer.

What are the visual characteristics of skin cancer?

Spots of skin cancer are usually a bright red color and can easily be scratched and often peel. It really depends on the size of the spots, and the color of them. The bigger and brighter, the greater the probability that it is of skin cancer

Are there different varieties of cancer?

Yes, there are many different types of cancer, each originating from different cells in the body. Some common types include breast, lung, prostate, and skin cancer. Each type of cancer has unique characteristics and requires specific treatment.

Characteristics of healthy person?

active,healthy(do not have any serious disease. e.g : cancer,etc) peaceful and moodyless

What are the Siberian tigers behavioral characteristics?

behavioral is getting cancer because the sun.

What are the supposed characteristics of those born under the zodiac sign Cancer?

Those that are born under the zodiac sign Cancer are imaginative, sympathetic, placid, and intuitive. However, they are also changeable, hypersensitive, depressive, and moody.

Does a cancer and Aries go together?

Aries and Cancer are not great together, however they can make their relationship work. Aries and Cancer are definitely sexually compatible, seeing in each other the ideal sexual characteristics they seek in a mate. Eventually though the Aries comes off as brash, insensitive or volatile to the cancer; while the latter may be too sensitive and moody to the Aries.

How can you tell if you have cancer?

This question is too vague. There are many different types of cancers, that affect many different parts of the body, and each has different characteristics and symptoms.

How many cancer types are their?

Way too many to list on a site like this. Also, there is also not a general consensus in the medical community as to whether to divide a certain type of cancer into two or more types based on characteristics. Thus, the range of the numbers of cancer types may vary greatly when you ask two experts in the field.