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Blood type in humans is an example of multiple alleles.

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Q: What are blood types of humans examples of?
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Related questions

What is the blood type in humans controlled by?

Blood types are controlled by multiple alleles.

What are A B AB O?

they are all the different types of blood that us humans have. they are all the blood types that a human can have.

What are the types of blood for humans?

The four blood types for humans are: A, B, AB and OO. Also the RH factor determines is your blood type is RH negative (-) or RH positive (+). All blood types can then be classified as: A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+ or O-.

Do animals have blood group?

yes, some types of animals though have differant blood types than humans. They all have blood types so if they had a blood transfusion then they would need to get there blood type first.

What are the different types of blood are there ?

There is four types of blood in humans A B AB and O.But in each of them types there are a possible of at least 20 genetically blood vgroups known today.

Which mammals have blood types A B AB O?

Humans, for a start.

What are different examples of a person's blood type?

Some examples of blood types include A, B, AB, and O. These blood types are further classified based on the presence or absence of the Rh factor, resulting in 8 common blood type combinations.

Types of vampires?

Vampire- They suck the blood when humans are alive Vampanesa- They kill before sucking the blood

What are three types of blood vessels found in cats?

The three types of blood vessels are the same in both cats and humans: veins, arteries and capillaries.

Blood types in humans are an example of traits controlled by?

Multiple alleles

What are the 4 possible blood types of humans?

The four possible blood types in humans are A, B, AB, and O. These blood types are determined by the presence or absence of specific antigens on the surface of red blood cells.

What is an example of multiple alleles?

An example of multiple alleles is the ABO blood system in humans, where the gene for blood type has three alleles: A, B, and O. Each person inherits two of these alleles, resulting in four possible blood types: A, B, AB, and O.