Asymptomatic means 'without symptoms. So 'asymptomatic carrier' means a person who carries an infection without having any symptoms. As an example, men often 'carry' yeast in the urethra and on the penis, but do not show symptoms. However, an affected man can pass yeast to a sexual partner.
Carriers are asymptomatic; they show none of the symptons associated with their disease. This applies to both pathogenic and genetic diseases.
The prefix of asymptomatic is a, meaning not; if you are asymptomatic, you do not have symptoms.
In developing countries you have many asymptomatic carriers of cholera to spread the same. In developed countries, undercooked sea food is usually the source of cholera.
The suffix for "asymptomatic" is "-atic".
Most probably Mary Mallon had typhoid before she came to America. She probably brought the typhoid from Ireland. She was one of the many asymptomatic carriers of typhoid.
The word "asymptomatic" means "without symptoms." So it has no symptoms. If a woman has no symptoms, she is asymptomatic.
Some of the untreated or under treated patients of strep throat becomes chronic carriers. Such carriers are are asymptomatic. Few of them go for rheumatic fever. When you try to treat them with penicillin tablets, there is treatment failure in some cases. The most probable cause is probably the noncompliance. It is too human to forget the doses, when you are asymptomatic. You have to give injection 1.2 to 2.4 million units of benzathine penicillin to such patients. Culture should be repeated after ten and twenty days. This method is going to treat the infection.
The combining form of the word "asymptomatic" is "asympto-."
The prevalence of CF carriers (meaning they carry one mutation) is 1 in 25 in the Caucasian population. Most people don't even know that they are carriers until they have a child with CF. That means that the CF allele can unknowingly be passed down through generations. Carriers are typically asymptomatic and there is evidence to support that the CF mutation protected our ancestors from fatal diseases. So natural selection actually played a role in the proliferation of CF carriers.
Trichomoniasis is caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis, not a virus. Both males and females can get infected with trichomoniasis, however, males are often asymptomatic carriers of the parasite. It is important for both partners to get tested and treated to prevent transmission.
no symptoms