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A person suffering from stuttering may employ distraction strategies to help him or her stop stuttering. Typically, a person stuttering becomes frustrated. encouraging the person to think of something or do something else may break the stuttering cycle

Being under stress, overly tired, or having any extreme emotion can make stuttering worse or make it start if you are prone to stutter. Make sure you are getting plenty of sleep; try to destress your life as much as possible; try to avoid situations that cause emotions like anger. The Stuttering Foundation of America is a great source for help. They have information for all ages, online videos, free e-books, and downloadable brochures.

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Q: What are alternative treatments for stuttering?
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Research has shown that there is really no specific treatment for stuttering. The best known treatment for this speech problem is to seek the help of a speech therapist. There are no drug treatments that are known to help stuttering.

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Alternative treatments should be used only to support the recovery process following appropriate antibiotic treatments, or used concurrently with antibiotic treatments.

What are some treatments for one with a stutter or stammer?

Stuttering or stammering is a very frustrating condition. There are treatments available. Consult your personal doctor for a referral. Over the counter or treatments found online are not likely to be successful, stick to professionals.

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The many alternative treatments for colds and allergies will not be addressed here. Treatments specifically for rhinitis, regardless of the cause, are described.

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