Acupuncture and Chinese herbs are another popular alternative treatments for cramps.
such alternative systems as traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Ayurvedic medicine developed treatments for it.
Most alternative treatments for knee pain aim at reducing pain, inflammation, and stiffness.
Alternative colon cancer treatments include: chemotherapy, radiation, biological therapy, and surgery.
Alternative treatments should be used only to support the recovery process following appropriate antibiotic treatments, or used concurrently with antibiotic treatments.
There are a wide range of alternative treatments that can help a smoker quit the habit, including hypnotherapy, herbs, acupuncture, and meditation.
There are many alternative treatments available to help with ovarian cancer. Alternative treatments can be used in conjunction with, or separate from, surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.
There are no alternative treatments if a neurosurgeon deems this procedure as necessary.
The many alternative treatments for colds and allergies will not be addressed here. Treatments specifically for rhinitis, regardless of the cause, are described.
Dermatomyositis is identical to polymyositis with the addition of a characteristic skin rash.
Polymyositis is an inflammatory muscle disease causing weakness and pain.
Alternative to what? The vet's prescription? There are no home remodies for orf.