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if the organ you get is compatible with your body, and functions properly; that's a good thing. if the opposite happens, it's bad. I think that it saves peoples life's so that they can have a second chance in life so i would say its a good thing.

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11y ago

the good thing about transplantation is that it saves a lot of peoples lives.Also its a good thing because its saves children like my friend he was 9 when he had the transplantation of his heart and now he fills strong and happy.

The bad thing is that there is not that much organs that could be used and children/ adults die and sometime the transplantation fials and the person will evantually die

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Q: What are Good and bad thing about organ and tissues transplant?
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There is only one function that both organ and plant systems have. The one thing organ systems and plant have in common is tissues.

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Can kidney transplant patient drink green tea?

IMPORTANT! ALWAYS ASK YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE MAKING ANY HEALTH RELATED DECISION. I personally have been a green tea drinker all my life till I had a kidney transplant. My transplant doctor explained the following reasons why patients with an organ transplant should not drink Green Tea. 1. One reason why a transplant recepient takes transplant drugs is to suppress their immune (lower their white cell count) to prevent organ rejection. Green Tea raises one's immune system which may be good for a normal person but not a transplant recepient. 2. Also, the transplant drugs have chemicals that help the body to accept the new organ. Green Tea basically detoxify ( removes the potent of the transplant drugs) which may be good again for a normal person but dangerous for a transplant recepient. The Green Tea flushes the transplant drugs out of the system which suppose to always stay at a constant level (That is why taking your transplant meds at the right time is very crucial for the survival of the transplanted organ). To sum it up, if you are a transplant recepient don't drink GREEN TEA. However, ask your doctor because everyone has different circumstances. And remember to protect and cherish that life saving organ which had been given unselfishly out of love.

What does tissues do?

Tissues are made up of several cell types. Several types of tissues make up an organ. Function and structure are complimentary to each other. For example, a single layer of epithelia tissue functions in diffusion and filtration. A thin layer would not be very good at protection.

Is brain tissue or organ?

Brain tissue is a component of the brain, which is an organ. The brain is a complex organ that controls various functions in the body, including thinking, memory, and movement.

What is an allogenic transplant?

An "allogenic" transplant is a human-to-human transplant. (A "xenogenic" transplant would be animal-to-human).

How does the organ level of organization relate to cells to the organ systems?

Multicellular organisms have various levels of organization within them. Individual cells may perform specific functions and also work together for the good of the entire organism. The cells become dependent on one another.

What is a xenotransplant?

Xenotransplantation is the transplantation of living cells, tissues or organs from one species to another such as from pigs to humans. Such cells, tissues or organs are called xenografts (xenotransplants). The term allotransplantation refers to a same-species transplant. A good example of this is a pig heart valve replacement in a person who has a diseased heart valve.

What are good website on human organs?

Some good websites on human organs include the National Institutes of Health's Human Body website, the Mayo Clinic's Organ Transplant information page, and the InnerBody website for interactive visualizations of human organs.

Is gene therapy a good thing or a bad thing for scientist to study?

some times if the doctors accomplish their goal and if they don't you can have some bad side effects or you can die during your surgery if the transplant went wrong.

What religions accept transplants?

I know that Judaism does. But not if your dead because you are not allowed to desecrate a dead body. However if you are alive and want to transplant an organ to save a human life, than that is considered a great mitzvah (good deed).