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Q: What are 5 reasons why the nervous system is so important?
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What is so special about the nervous system?

what is so special about the nervous system

Why is the spinal cord so important in your nervous system?

It connects the nerve endings to the brain.

Why is your nervous system important when at school?

The nervous system is important at school because it controls functions like attention, memory, and processing of information. It helps in learning new concepts, problem-solving, and responding to stimuli in the learning environment. Good nervous system health is essential for optimal cognitive functioning and academic performance.

What system senses changes in the internal and external environment so that the body can adapt to the changes?

The nervous system.

How are your movement controlled by the nervous system?

by sending weak electrical pulses through our system. that is also one of the reasons our spine is important, because the electrical pulses are sent through it and it they stop thats when we stop being able to fully use the lower half of our body

What the connects the brain to the peripheral nervous system?

The central nervous system. Or CNS. you so funny

What other systems are closely related to the nervous system?

The endocrine system is closely related to the nervous system as they work together to regulate bodily functions. The immune system also interacts with the nervous system to maintain homeostasis and respond to threats. Additionally, the cardiovascular system provides the necessary nutrients and oxygen to the nervous system for its function.

Which other system has relationship with the respiratory system?

so it interacts witih the muscle system Nervous System it also interacts with the nervous system

What is the major system of the nervous system?

The major system of the nervous system is the brain. Also the spinal cord helps the brain so it is a big help in the nervous system. hope i answered your question!

Why is the nervous system so long?

because the nervous system ensures there is feeling in all parts of the body.

Are there synapses in peripheral nervous system?

There are synapses between each and every neuron in the entire nervous system; so yes, there are synapses in the peripheral section of the nervous system.

Why is classification system important to scientist?

A classification system is important to scientists because it allows them to organize and categorize information in a meaningful way. This helps scientists to study relationships between different organisms or objects, make predictions based on similarities, and communicate their findings effectively with other researchers. Ultimately, a classification system helps scientists to understand the diversity of life and the natural world more clearly.