Pigs spread the original Swine Flu virus among themselves. The mutation, known as the 2009 Swine Flu (Influenza A, Novel H1N1 virus), that is now a human virus is spread by humans. It is a mutation of the swine flu and avian (bird flu) that has combined with a human virus.
The Spanish flu of 1918 wiped out millions of people. Some doctors believe it could come back but if it does, they think it will not be as devastating as it was back in 1918.
The 1918 Spanish flu pandemic was closely related to an avian virus.
The Spanish Flu was a true Pandemic, affecting every corner of the world.
Your body has to respond to the Spanish flu before you get better, It usually takes 7 to 10 days. However the Spanish flu epidemic occurred in 1918. It was called the H1 N1 influenza.
Spanish flu is viral.
The spanish flu virus is believed to have started in Asia like most of the flu viruses, and then made its way to the US where it may have mutated on the way to become the pandemic Spanish flu of 1918. During this time of WW1, as soldiers were coming back to the US from war zones across the world and others were being sent from the US into the war, the virus spread to hundreds of millions of people in the US and worldwide. It did not originate in Spain. It is called the Spanish flu only because that is how most people first heard about it, from Spanish newspapers that, unlike newspapers in many other countries, continued to publish and get distributed throughout the war.
the flu
The Spanish Flu during WWI killed millions world wide.
The 1918 pandemic of the Spanish Flu killed multiple millions world wide.
Spanish Flu 1918
The lungs.