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The 15th ammendment.

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Q: What amendment protected the right of black male citizens to vote?
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What is protected speech?

The First Amendment of the constitution gives the citizens the right to the freedom of speech. This right does not extend to limited protected speech which include threats and intimidation, slander, or conflict with governmental interests.

Amendment 15 says all citizens have the right to what?

Amendment 15 says all citizens have the right to vote.

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Which amendment gives citizens the right to own guns?

The Second Amendment of U.S. Constitution is the right of the citizens to keep and bear arms. There are some limits and regulations on this right.

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The right to the privacy of American citizens can be found in the 4th amendment of the constitution. In short, this amendment affords citizens of the unlawful search and seizure.

Which right is guaranteed under the 15th amendment?

right of citizens to vote

What right does the 19th amendment guarantee?

The 19th amendment guarantees all citizens the right to vote regardless of sex.

What amendment gives citizens the right to be tried after being accused of a crime?

The 4th Amendment.

Which Amendment protected the right of women to vote in all national and state elections?

the 19th amendment (~^_^~)

The right for a citizen to bear arms is protected under which amendment?

The second amendment of the US Constitution.

What was protected under the Second Amendment?

the right to own firearms

Which amendment gives the right to vote to all male citizens?

The 15th Amendment gave all males the right to vote.