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When you inhale your diaphragm contracts and moves down allowing some extra space. The muscles between your ribs also contract forcing them out also allowing more space. So there is more wiggle room for the lungs when you inhale.

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Q: What allows the lungs to move freely in the thorax due to the secretion of a serous fluid?
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Head and thorax fused to form what?

Head and thorax fused in insects to form the cephalothorax, which is a single body segment where both the head and thorax are combined. This configuration provides structural support and allows for efficient movement.

The watery fluid that lubricates the membranes forming the inner lining of the thorax is called?

The watery fluid that lubricates the membranes forming the inner lining of the thorax is called pleural fluid. It helps decrease friction between the layers of the pleura to facilitate smooth movement of the lungs during breathing.

What changes occur in the thorax during ventilation?

During ventilation, the thorax expands as the diaphragm and intercostal muscles contract, increasing the volume of the thoracic cavity. This expansion decreases the pressure inside the thorax, causing air to rush into the lungs to equalize the pressure. Relaxation of these muscles allows the thorax to recoil back to its original position, pushing air out of the lungs.

What does the the bony thorax protect?

The bony thorax protects the heart and liver. Wrong... the bone thorax protects the heart and LUNGS as it also allows the respiratory muscle to create a vacuum that will draw air into the lungs. while the Ribs withing in the bone thorax will protect not only the thoracic organs, but as well the spleen, most of the liver and to some extent the kidneys.

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the head is superior to the thorax. the thorax is inferior to the head.

What body part are the legs and wings attached to?

The thorax. See the related link for more information.

What is an ants thorax?

The thorax of an ant is considered to be its powerhouse. The thorax is the portion of the body to which the ant's legs are attached. There are three sections to the thorax in ants.

Does an ant have a thorax?

The middle segment is the thorax. Insects typically have (3)-head, thorax, abdomen.

What do honey bees use their thorax?

The thorax is the middle part of the bee. The honeybee shivers the muscles in the thorax and when the thorax is warm enough the bee can fly.

What is the difference between a ladybug thorax and a ladybug abdomen?

The head is connected to the thorax and the thorax connects to the abdomen.

How many joint legs do a bess beetle have?

Bess beetles have six joint legs and three body parts like other insects, but their thorax has two sections, allowing them to move more freely.

What is the scientific name of thorax?

Thorax is a scientific name.